Rasmus Koch Studio
Femvejen 2 — DK-2920 Charlottenlund — Denmark (NEW ADDRESS !!)
+45 3332 2633 — mail@rasmuskoch.com

Danish Film Institute animation

animation; black; black&white; film;
Animation of the Danish Film Institute logo.

An animation was required that could be used in cinemas at the beginning of DFI funded feature films and documentaries.

Our project inspiration came from the visual interference phenomena seen on stagecoach wheels in western films. The phenomena causes the spokes of a turning wheel to seem as though they stand still or even turn backwards whilst in forward motion.

Eventually for the purpose of making the DFI animation a machine was hand built that would recreate the phenomena. From this point we were able to closely observe and film the optical effect. The resulting animation shows the fragmented logo, moving both backwards and forwards, standing still and then reforming itself in the conditions of the visual interference phenomena. The animation is entirely analog. Furthermore this animation from its original conception in 1997 would be the central inspiration for the entire DFI identity.

animation still


2007, 2008

Copenhagen, DK

Danish Film Institute animation

Danish Film Institute

The national organisation responsible for supporting, encouraging and conserving film and cinema culture. The institute is supported by the Danish Ministry of Culture. The institute houses Denmark's national filmography as well as an entertainment and edutainment facility, with its cinemas, videotheque, restaurant and café, bookshop and filmmaking studio FILM X. Initially the Danish Film Institute was born out of merger between four separate organisations.


Rasmus Koch
credit This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License, unless otherwise noted.

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