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Leth book

book; film; kochgrotesque; literature;
Cover design for the book "Tilfældets gaver – Tekster om at lave film" by Danish writer and filmmaker Jørgen Leth.

The book is a collection of Leth´s writings on film. Varying from poetry dedicated to film media and to synopses on film projects. The book is a retrospective and goes back to the beginning of Jørgen Leth´s career in the 1960's.

Format: 140 x 220 mm, soft cover, offset.

Cover "Tilfældests gaver. Jørgen Leth's texts on making film



Copenhagen, DK

Leth book

Gyldendal Publishing Company

A Danish publishing house. Founded in 1770 by Søren Gyldendal, it is the oldest and largest publishing house in Denmark, offering a wide selection of books including fiction, non-fiction and dictionaries.


Rasmus Koch; Till Rickert; Duncan Paré
credit This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License, unless otherwise noted.

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